1月6日,OpenAI CEO 山姆・奥特曼(Sam Altman)在X 平台发布名为《Reflections(反想)》的长文博客,再度聚焦 OpenAI 发展历程。
奥特曼回顾 OpenAI 成立以来,感喟这些年五味杂陈,是其东谈主生中最有确立感却也最累、压力最大的时段,尤其往常两年更是不应承。不外,他心胸谢意,并暗示若能重来,愿以不同花样做事,如今的我方相较一年前已成长为更优秀、更闇练的率领者。
进展方面,OpenAI 已确信通晓如何构建传统深嗜上的通用东谈主工智能(AGI),且揣测 2025 年首批 AI 智能体将 “进犯” 劳能源市集,切实改换公司产出模式,还信服向各人晋升优秀器具会催生凡俗效益。预测改日,OpenAI 方针更远,已朝着超等智能迈进。
The second birthday of ChatGPT was only a little over a month ago, and now we have transitioned into the next paradigm of models that can do complex reasoning. New years get people in a reflective mood, and I wanted to share some personal thoughts about how it has gone so far, and some of the things I’ve learned along the way.
伸开剩余94%ChatGPT 两周岁诞辰刚往常一个多月,如今咱们照旧迈入了能够进行复杂推理的模子的下一个范式。新年总会让东谈主堕入千里想,我想分享一些个东谈主的见识,谈谈到咫尺为止事情的进展,以及我在此经由中学到的一些东西。
As we get closer to AGI, it feels like an important time to look at the progress of our company. There is still so much to understand, still so much we don’t know, and it’s still so early. But we know a lot more than we did when we started.
We started OpenAI almost nine years ago because we believed that AGI was possible, and that it could be the most impactful technology in human history. We wanted to figure out how to build it and make it broadly beneficial; we were excited to try to make our mark on history. Our ambitions were extraordinarily high and so was our belief that the work might benefit society in an equally extraordinary way.
大要九年前,咱们创立了 OpenAI,因为咱们信服通用东谈主工智能(AGI)是能够齐备的,况且它可能会成为东谈主类历史上最具影响力的本领。咱们想要弄明晰如何构建它,使其凡俗造福东谈主类;咱们满怀热忱,试图在历史上留住我方的钤记。咱们唯利是图,相似也信服这项就业可能会以一种卓著的花样惠及社会。
At the time, very few people cared, and if they did, it was mostly because they thought we had no chance of success.
In 2022, OpenAI was a quiet research lab working on something temporarily called “Chat With GPT-3.5”. (We are much better at research than we are at naming things.) We had been watching people use the playground feature of our API and knew that developers were really enjoying talking to the model. We thought building a demo around that experience would show people something important about the future and help us make our models better and safer.
2022 年,OpenAI 还仅仅一个肃静拔擢的权衡实验室,那时在研发一个暂时被称作 “与 GPT-3.5 对话” 的模式。(咱们搞权衡的武艺可比给模式起名的武艺强多了。)咱们一直在不雅察东谈主们使用咱们应用门径接口(API)的测试功能,况且了解到诱导者们相当可爱与模子对话。咱们那时合计,围绕这种体验打造一个演示版块,既能向东谈主们展示相干改日的一些紧迫东西,又有助于咱们把模子改进得更好、更安全。
We ended up mercifully calling it ChatGPT instead, and launched it on November 30th of 2022.
所幸终末咱们将它定名为 ChatGPT,并在 2022 年 11 月 30 日推出。
We always knew, abstractly, that at some point we would hit a tipping point and the AI revolution would get kicked off. But we didn’t know what the moment would be. To our surprise, it turned out to be this.
从概括深嗜上来说,咱们一直都知谈,在某个时刻咱们会迎来一个升沉点,东谈主工智能立异将会爆发。但咱们不知谈那一刻何时到来。令咱们骇怪的是,这个升沉点即是 ChatGPT 的推出。
The launch of ChatGPT kicked off a growth curve like nothing we have ever seen—in our company, our industry, and the world broadly. We are finally seeing some of the massive upside we have always hoped for from AI, and we can see how much more will come soon.
ChatGPT 的推出开启了一条咱们前所未见的增长弧线,不管是在咱们公司、咱们所处的行业,照旧在更凡俗的寰宇范围内都是如斯。咱们终于看到了一直以来但愿从东谈主工智能身上得回的一些巨大上风,而且咱们也能意想到,更多的上风很快就会到来。
It hasn’t been easy. The road hasn’t been smooth and the right choices haven’t been obvious.
In the last two years, we had to build an entire company, almost from scratch, around this new technology. There is no way to train people for this except by doing it, and when the technology category is completely new, there is no one at all who can tell you exactly how it should be done.
Building up a company at such high velocity with so little training is a messy process. It’s often two steps forward, one step back (and sometimes, one step forward and two steps back). Mistakes get corrected as you go along, but there aren’t really any handbooks or guideposts when you’re doing original work. Moving at speed in uncharted waters is an incredible experience, but it is also immensely stressful for all the players. Conflicts and misunderstanding abound.
These years have been the most rewarding, fun, best, interesting, exhausting, stressful, and—particularly for the last two—unpleasant years of my life so far. The overwhelming feeling is gratitude; I know that someday I’ll be retired at our ranch watching the plants grow, a little bored, and will think back at how cool it was that I got to do the work I dreamed of since I was a little kid. I try to remember that on any given Friday, when seven things go badly wrong by 1 pm.
这些年是我迄今为止东谈主生中最有确立感、最道理、最好意思好、最引诱东谈主、最困顿、最殷切的几年,尤其是往常的两年,格外不应承。但最热烈的感受是谢意;我知谈,有朝一日我退休后会在咱们的牧场看着植物滋长,大概会有点没趣,那时我会精采起,能从事从小就生机的就业是何等酷的一件事。在职何一个周五,当下昼 1 点前有七件事都出了大舛错的时候,我都会试着想起这少量。
A little over a year ago, on one particular Friday, the main thing that had gone wrong that day was that I got fired by surprise on a video call, and then right after we hung up the board published a blog post about it. I was in a hotel room in Las Vegas. It felt, to a degree that is almost impossible to explain, like a dream gone wrong.
Getting fired in public with no warning kicked off a really crazy few hours, and a pretty crazy few days. The “fog of war” was the strangest part. None of us were able to get satisfactory answers about what had happened, or why.
在毫无预警的情况下当众被罢职,激励了极其轻易的几个小时,以及荒谬轻易的几天。最奇怪的是那种 “干戈迷雾” 般的狼藉词语景色。咱们谁都没能得到对于所发生之事偏激原因的舒坦谜底。
The whole event was, in my opinion, a big failure of governance by well-meaning people, myself included. Looking back, I certainly wish I had done things differently, and I’d like to believe I’m a better, more thoughtful leader today than I was a year ago.
I also learned the importance of a board with diverse viewpoints and broad experience in managing a complex set of challenges. Good governance requires a lot of trust and credibility. I appreciate the way so many people worked together to build a stronger system of governance for OpenAI that enables us to pursue our mission of ensuring that AGI benefits all of humanity.
我也昭彰了,在搪塞一系列复杂挑战时,一个领有多元不雅点和凡俗警戒的董事会是何等紧迫。精湛的照管需要多量的信任和公信力。我很谢意有这样多东谈主皆心合力,为 OpenAI 确立起了一个更刚劲的照管体系,使咱们能够追求确保通用东谈主工智能造福全东谈主类的就业。
My biggest takeaway is how much I have to be thankful for and how many people I owe gratitude towards: to everyone who works at OpenAI and has chosen to spend their time and effort going after this dream, to friends who helped us get through the crisis moments, to our partners and customers who supported us and entrusted us to enable their success, and to the people in my life who showed me how much they cared.
我最大的成绩是,我有太多要感德的东谈主和事:感谢在 OpenAI 就业、聘请破耗期间和元气心灵追赶这个生机的每一个东谈主,感谢在危境时刻匡助咱们挺往常的一又友们,感谢相沿咱们、信任咱们并委用咱们助力其得手的合作伙伴和客户,以及感谢我性掷中那些向我抒发护理的东谈主。
We all got back to the work in a more cohesive and positive way and I’m very proud of our focus since then. We have done what is easily some of our best research ever. We grew from about 100 million weekly active users to more than 300 million. Most of all, we have continued to put technology out into the world that people genuinely seem to love and that solves real problems.
咱们都以愈加协和解积极的花样再行干涉就业,从那以后,我为咱们的专注感到相当自重。咱们作念出了一些号称有史以来最出色的权衡后果。咱们的周活跃用户从大要 1 亿增长到了 3 亿多。最紧迫的是,咱们一直在向寰宇推出东谈主们忠诚喜爱且能处理践诺问题的本领。
Nine years ago, we really had no idea what we were eventually going to become; even now, we only sort of know. AI development has taken many twists and turns and we expect more in the future.
Some of the twists have been joyful; some have been hard. It’s been fun watching a steady stream of research miracles occur, and a lot of naysayers have become true believers. We’ve also seen some colleagues split off and become competitors. Teams tend to turn over as they scale, and OpenAI scales really fast. I think some of this is unavoidable—startups usually see a lot of turnover at each new major level of scale, and at OpenAI numbers go up by orders of magnitude every few months. The last two years have been like a decade at a normal company. When any company grows and evolves so fast, interests naturally diverge. And when any company in an important industry is in the lead, lots of people attack it for all sorts of reasons, especially when they are trying to compete with it.
有些辗转令东谈主欢娱,有些则很极重。看着一连串的权衡遗址不休涌现,很特深嗜,许多唱反调的东谈主也酿成了真实的信徒。咱们也看到一些共事离开,成为了竞争敌手。跟着公司范围扩大,团队频频会发生东谈主员更迭,而 OpenAI 的范围彭胀速率极快。我合计有些情况是不可幸免的 —— 初创公司频频在每次范围迈上新台阶时都会出现多量东谈主员流动,而在 OpenAI,每隔几个月,东谈主员数目就会呈数目级增长。往常的两年,对于一家平方公司来说,荒谬于十年。当任何一家公司发展和演变如斯之快时,利益不合当然就会出现。而且,当任何一家处于紧迫行业高出地位的公司,会因为各式种种的原因遭到好多东谈主的膺惩,尤其是当他们试图与其竞争时。
Our vision won’t change; our tactics will continue to evolve. For example, when we started we had no idea we would have to build a product company; we thought we were just going to do great research. We also had no idea we would need such a crazy amount of capital. There are new things we have to go build now that we didn’t understand a few years ago, and there will be new things in the future we can barely imagine now.
We are proud of our track-record on research and deployment so far, and are committed to continuing to advance our thinking on safety and benefits sharing. We continue to believe that the best way to make an AI system safe is by iteratively and gradually releasing it into the world, giving society time to adapt and co-evolve with the technology, learning from experience, and continuing to make the technology safer. We believe in the importance of being world leaders on safety and alignment research, and in guiding that research with feedback from real world applications.
We are now confident we know how to build AGI as we have traditionally understood it. We believe that, in 2025, we may see the first AI agents “join the workforce” and materially change the output of companies. We continue to believe that iteratively putting great tools in the hands of people leads to great, broadly-distributed outcomes.
咱们当今有信心,按照传统贯通,咱们知谈如何构建通用东谈主工智能(AGI)。咱们信托,在 2025 年,咱们可能会看到首批东谈主工智能智能体 “加入劳能源市集”,并切实改换公司的产出。咱们仍然信托,迭代式地将出色的器具交到东谈主们手中,会带来伟大的、凡俗分辨的后果。
We are beginning to turn our aim beyond that, to superintelligence in the true sense of the word. We love our current products, but we are here for the glorious future. With superintelligence, we can do anything else. Superintelligent tools could massively accelerate scientific discovery and innovation well beyond what we are capable of doing on our own, and in turn massively increase abundance and prosperity.
This sounds like science fiction right now, and somewhat crazy to even talk about it. That’s alright—we’ve been there before and we’re OK with being there again. We’re pretty confident that in the next few years, everyone will see what we see, and that the need to act with great care, while still maximizing broad benefit and empowerment, is so important. Given the possibilities of our work, OpenAI cannot be a normal company.
这在咫尺听起来像是科幻演义,致使驳斥起来都有点轻易。不要紧 —— 咱们以前也资历过这种情况,再次靠近也没问题。咱们荒谬有信心,在接下来的几年里,每个东谈主都会看到咱们所看到的,况且强硬到在审慎行事的同期,仍要最大贬抑地齐备凡俗的利益和赋能,是何等紧迫。鉴于咱们就业的可能性,OpenAI 不可能是一家平方的公司。
How lucky and humbling it is to be able to play a role in this work.
(Thanks to Josh Tyrangiel for sort of prompting this. I wish we had had a lot more time.)
(感谢Josh Tyrangiel促使我写下这篇反想,真但愿咱们能有更多期间。)